Sunday, May 31, 2020

Strategies That WONT Help Pay For College

HomeFinanceFinancial aidWhy These Strategies WON’T Help You Pay For CollegeThis page may contain affiliate links.Dec 19, 2019We understand that college is expensive, and we’re eager to help you find ways to pay for your children’s education. However, not all tactics and techniques are created equal. As tempting as it may be, some methods of trying to pay for college are dishonest and unethical, and we cant recommend them. There are many, many useful ways to choose schools that offer the most merit aid, have great aid packages, and lower costs and were happy to share ways to better research schools to find ones that can be more generous. Have you considered these questionable ideas for ways to pay for college? Here are more details on why they may not be the best route to go Ways to Pay For CollegeNot! An Amicable Divorce Yes, sometimes it seems like being married and having a joint income is a curse on your children. Do you make too much to qualify for aid? You might think a friendly â€Å"divorce† on paper could help. Unfortunately, it might not make as much of a difference as you think. First of all, divorced parents may still both be asked for income information if they need to fill out the CSS Profile form. Many schools that require the CSS Profile also ask the non-custodial parent to fill out a non-custodial form for the CSS Profile. As Christen OConnor, a financial aid officer at Dartmouth College, shared in a recent workshop, its only fair to get financial information from both parents, otherwise many more families would be divorcing right before college to take advantage of this potential loophole. As for FAFSA, simply being divorced won’t change the financial picture for your child, if you still live together. For the FAFSA, only a student whose parents are separated or divorced for at least 6 months and not living together can use financial information for the parent they live with 51% of the year. Also, any child support counts as income for the custodial parent. In addition, divorce proceedings are very expensive; especially when children are involved! You have to set up custody, visitation, and division of property. It doesn’t matter that you don’t plan to actually split up – all arrangements must be entered by the judge. Finally, you’ll lose rights to each other’s life insurance and other financial and medical arrangements. Can you imagine if something happened to your spouse and you weren’t authorized to get information because you’re not married? The reality of it is that this being divorced doesnt really get you the big bucks anyway. As one member of our Paying For College 101 groupshared: â€Å"I’m divorced and only put my info on the FAFSA. I make a very modest income and my daughter got very little aid despite my EFC being fairly low (comparatively).† Plus, you’re teaching your child it’s OK to lie for financial gain, and that’s never good. Independence: Emancipation, Military, and Marriage If your child is under 18 and becomes an â€Å"emancipated minor,† the parents’ income is no longer counted on FAFSA. Emancipation can happen through a court process, marriage, or joining the military. A married student over 18 is also considered independent. Is this a good way to pay for college? Legal Emancipation What does â€Å"emancipation† mean? Sometimes a child can be declared independent for child support reasons without being considered emancipated for financial aid. Emancipation, in the federal financial aid sense, means that a student is no longer considered a minor before they turn 18. The term for this is being an â€Å"emancipated minor.† So can your student just go to court before turning 18 to get better financial aid? Probably not. Becoming an emancipated minor is a legal process, and before the court can give your child that status, certain things must be proven. A minor must prove financial independence A minor must have sufficient maturity A minor must have adequate independent living arrangements In other words, emancipation is not something you can do while your child is living at home or maintaining consistent contact with you as supporting parents. Joining the Military If a child joins the military, they have the ability to be considered independent and get additional help for school. Win-win right? Not necessarily. If your student joins the military part-time and you still support them financially and in other ways, they won’t be considered independent – you’ll still have to report parental income on FAFSA. The military designation of independence is based on being on active duty for a reason other than training. Secondly, the military is a real commitment that can involve being sent overseas to fight in wars. This is true even if your student joins the National Guard. It’s not always just â€Å"once a month on weekends.† Finally, the military isn’t for everyone. If your child isn’t interested in joining, they shouldn’t do it just to go to college. It can be very physically and emotionally traumatic for the wrong person. Those who are interested in attending a service academy and who truly have a calling to serve should attempt to go down that path, as it is quite rigorous and demanding in both the application process and the actual academic commitment. If successful, however, you could have your entire college education paid for. Declared Independent What about other ways to become independent? Unfortunately, the options are limited. Being 24 or over Being married Pursuing a Master’s or Doctorate program Currently supporting children Being homeless, as determined by an outside agency Marriage may seem like the easiest one if you want to game the system. Your student may propose that they marry their high school sweetheart to save everyone money on school. There are so many great reasons NOT to do this, but here are just a few: Marriage is a long-term commitment, and divorce is not simple, easy, or cheap if things don’t work out. It requires both your child and their sweetie to attend the same school, which one of them may not be happy with. Even just being married â€Å"on paper† and going their separate ways can make the future very complicated – including filing for divorce when they really do meet someone they want to marry. Another problem all these methods have in common is that there aren’t buckets of money sitting around for independent students either. They will still have to compete with other high-need students, and they will still have to find the best schools to apply to for aid. Skip the unethical and even fraudulent ideas, and instead look for the right ways to save big on school. Find Better Ways To Pay For College The absolute best way to find money to pay for college is to apply to colleges and universities that can be more generous to your student! There are schools that are much more generous than others in meeting need, or offering merit scholarships, and creating less of a financial gap. One member of our Paying For College 101 Facebook grouppointed out: â€Å"Federal financial aid is merely a small drop in the bucket. People you hear of getting big money to attend schools due to being low income are probably at schools that meet need.† This is why we focus so much on getting families to research a colleges financial aid giving history before a student applies. So, dont rely on the strategies above to help you pay for college, because most likely, they wont come through. Instead be realistic and do your research before your student applies. Find FREE Money From Colleges Connect With Other Parents Trying To Figure Out How To Pay For College JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP – PAYING FOR COLLEGE 101 SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSaveSaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSaveSaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSaveSaveSave SaveSave SaveSave Road2College Debbie Schwartz is former financial services executive and founder of Road2College and the Paying For College 101 Facebook group. She's dedicated to providing families with trustworthy information about college admissions and paying for college. With data, tools and access to experts she's helping families become educated consumers of higher ed. View all posts CATEGORIES FinanceFinancial aid TAGS College ApplicationsNEWER POST10 Tips For Helping Parents Pay For CollegeOLDER POSTHelping Teens Set Boundaries Knowing When to Say Yes vs No

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Using Possible Whap 2020 Essay Topics

Using Possible Whap 2020 Essay TopicsIf you're writing a successful, original thesis for your Whap 2020 essay, it's critical that you're able to think critically about possible topics. However, you need to remember that a topic is not the same as a way to get your name in the paper. You don't want to be an annoying party pooper with topics that are 'paid-for' in any way. Below, I'll go over some of the best potential Whap 2020 essay topics, so you can be sure to get some great ones.Okay, so you're actually going to do the essay. The next thing you need to realize is that writing a thesis statement is not the same as writing a book or article. If you're thinking that you're going to sit down and write your thesis statement in half a day, you're going to be disappointed.Theses aren't created in one day, and they certainly aren't written in a couple of hours. If you're thinking that you're going to turn in a thesis statement without having it revised by other people, you may be on the w rong track. Many people who write their own thesis statements submit them to other schools, and then get their written work published after they have gotten it to the right place.After you've written your thesis statement, you're going to need to do some revision before you submit it. What's more, you're going to need to revise it again if you change your mind later. That means that there's going to be some work involved. In other words, if you're thinking that you're going to do all the revision on your own, you may be incorrect.Besides doing thesis writing, you'll also have to take courses work that you might already have, but have forgotten about. If you find that you have some course work or exams that youdidn't quite think of when you started, you may want to review them at a later time. Chances are, you will be able to use these as topics later on. The more sources you have that can give you ideas, the better.There are many possible Whap 2020 essay topics out there, and they a re likely to include more than just subjects like organic chemistry, psychology, or religion. Sure, these are all valid topics, but they don't even come close to covering every topic that you could ever think of. Some of the more popular ones include...Let's start with the main subject. After you've identified your main topic, you need to take a look at the other possible Whap 2020 essay topics that you can fit into your main topic. If you're considering a topic for a thesis that has to do with another area of study, that may be a little harder. However, if you're not sure about what to use as a topic, that's always a possibility.In most cases, the best Whap 2020 essay topics come from other people. While a topic can come from anywhere, people who have strong connections to your area of study are the best people to turn to. Keep this in mind, and you should be able to pull out good topics fairly easily.

Common App Essay Topics To Avoid For Common App Essay Topics

Common App Essay Topics To Avoid For Common App Essay TopicsThe topics to avoid for common app essay topics are generally pretty easy to find. You will want to choose your topics based on how you would like to illustrate your idea. It is all too easy to over-complicate things and end up with a topic that is hard to follow and hard to write.The first thing that you should consider is whether or not your topic is something that is likely to interest the student. If you cannot make a statement and show it to the student, then you may be better off going with a less intense topic. You might be surprised at the things students say that you may not have thought of.The next step is to consider what it is that the student wants to see as an example. Often times, students will ask questions about the topics that they are going to be writing the paper about. This is always a good time to ask about it. It will let the student know that you have seen something that they are interested in and tha t you can relate to them.After you have found the appropriate topics to avoid for common app essay topics, the rest of the writing will come easily. You just need to make sure that you are giving your ideas as much attention as you need to make them successful. If you do this, you will get the highest grades possible.Write a thesis statement before you begin writing the paper. It is important to come up with a thesis statement. The reason for this is that students can now see that you are serious about your topic. If you do not have one, you can easily add one later, but a beginning writer needs to have one so that they know what is expected of them.Consider including a graph or two that relates to your topic. You do not have to write the whole thing out, but it is a good idea to include something about the project at the beginning of the paper. The problem is that students will think that you have only written the entire project out, and that is not going to help you.Many people ar e afraid to put their ideas in words because they are afraid that they will ruin their idea, but the truth is that if the idea is worth telling, then it is worth talking about. Even if it is just a couple of sentences that you want to use in the middle of your paper. If you make sure that the ideas that you use for your essay are good, then you will have nothing to worry about when you try to tell them. Think about it, if you do not talk about your ideas in your essay, then what good are they?As you can see, there are plenty of topics to avoid for common app essay topics. Make sure that you give them a fair amount of attention and that you put your ideas into words and stick to them.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Quotes From For Whom the Bell Tolls

Ernest Hemingways novel For Whom the Bell Tolls, published in 1940, follows Robert Jordan, a young American guerrilla fighter and demolition expert, during the Spanish Civil War as he plots to blow up a bridge during an attack on the city of Segovia. Along with The Old Man and the Sea, A Farewell to Arms, and The Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls is regarded as one of Hemingways most popular works, quoted in conversation and English classrooms across the United States to this day. The following quotes exemplify the eloquence and ease with which Hemingway addressed the turmoil and strife of the Spanish Civil War. Context and Setting For Whom the Bell Tolls relies heavily on Hemingways own experience reporting on the conditions in Spain during the Spanish Civil War as a journalist for the North American Newspaper Alliance. He saw the brutality of the war and what it did to domestic and foreign fighters for and against the fascist rule of the time. Religion played a large role in Spain, though the protagonist of Hemingways story grappled with the existence of God. In Chapter 3, the old partisan Anselmo revealed his internal battle when he says to Jordan, But with our without God, I think it is a sin to kill. To take the life of another is to me very grave. I will do it whenever necessary but I am not of the race of Pablo. In Chapter 4, Hemingway masterfully describes the joys of city life as Jordan ponders the pleasure of drinking absinthe when he is far from Paris: There was very little of it left and one cup of it took the place of the evening papers, of all the old evenings in cafà ©s, of all chestnut trees that would be in bloom now in this month, of the great slow horses of the outer boulevards, of book shops, of kiosques, and of galleries, of the Parc Montsouris, of the Stade Buffalo, and of the Butte Chaumont, of the Guaranty Trust Company and the Ile de la Cità ©, of Foyots old hotel, and of being able to read and relax in the evening; of all things he had enjoyed and forgotten and that came back to him when he tasted that opaque, bitter, tongue-numbing, brain-warming, stomach-warming, idea-changing liquid alchemy. Loss In Chapter 9, Agustin says, To make war all you need is intelligence. But to win you need talent and material, but this almost lighthearted observation is overshadowed in Chapter 11, when Jordan grapples with the horrors mankind is capable of committing: You only heard the statement of the loss. You did not see the father fall as Pilar made him see the fascists die in that story she had told by the stream. You knew the father died in some courtyard, or against some wall, or in some field or orchard, or at night, in the lights of a truck, beside some road. You had seen the lights of the car from down the hills and heard the shooting and afterwards you had come down to the road and found the bodies. You did not see the mother shot, nor the sister, nor the brother. You heard about it; you heard the shots; and you saw the bodies. Mid-Novel Reprieve Halfway through For Whom the Bell Tolls, Hemingway allows the protagonist a reprieve from the war in an unexpected way: the quiet cold of winter. In Chapter 14, Hemingway describes it as almost as thrilling as battle: It was like the excitement of the battle except it was clean...In a snowstorm it always seemed, for a time, as though there were no enemies. In a snowstorm the wind could blow a gale; but it blew a white cleanness and the air was full of a driving whiteness and all things were changed and when the wind stopped there would be the stillness. This was a big storm and he might as well enjoy it. It was ruining everything, but you might as well enjoy it. Life and Death One of the partisans is mortally wounded in Chapter 27 and is described as not at all afraid of dying but he was angry at being on this hill which was only utilizable as a place to die...Dying was nothing and he had no picture of it nor fear of it in his mind. As he lay he continued to think of death and its counterpart: Living was a hawk in the sky. Living was an earthen jar of water in the dust of the threshing with the grain flailed out and the chaff blowing. Living was a horse between your legs and a carbine under one leg and a hill and a valley and a stream with trees along it and the far side of the valley and the hills beyond. Love Perhaps the most memorable quotes in For Whom the Bell Tolls were about neither life nor death, but love. In Chapter 13 Hemingway describes Jordan and Maria, a young woman fighting with the partisans, walking through a mountain meadow: From it, from the palm of her hand against the palm of his, from their fingers locked together, and from her wrist across his wrist something came from her hand, her fingers and her wrist to his that was as fresh as the first light air that moving toward you over the sea barely wrinkles the glassy surface of a calm, as light as a feather moved across ones lip, or a leaf falling when there is no breeze; so light that it could be felt with the touch of their fingers alone, but that was so strengthened, so intensified, and made so urgent, so aching and so strong by the hard pressure of their fingers and the close pressed palm and wrist, that it was as though a current moved up his arm and filled his whole body with an aching hollowness of wanting. When they have sex, Hemingway writes that Jordan felt the earth move out and away from under them. Maria: I die each time. Do you not die? Jordan: No. Almost. But did thee feel the earth move? Maria: Yes. As I died.

Research Paper Writing Wiseessays - Easy Way to Write Your Paper

<h1>Research Paper Writing Wiseessays - Easy Way to Write Your Paper</h1><p>Students searching for better approaches to communicate and their thoughts frequently stall out on the exploration paper composing Wiseessays. Regardless of what number of research papers an understudy completes, they frequently find that the examination paper composing Wiseessays are the hardest piece of the creative cycle. One path for understudies to deal with the issue is to pick a particular subject for their examination paper and afterward expound on it in as much detail as possible.</p><p></p><p>For model, in the event that you have chosen the territory of instruction, you may decide to expound on the advantages and impediments of various practices in the region of training. From that point forward, you might need to investigate how these practices contrast from one another. After you have introduced your discoveries and thought about the advantages and disadva ntages of the practices, you might need to sum up the data in a paper. While this procedure may appear tedious, on the off chance that you can get a point that will be fascinating to your crowd, at that point you will be better off.</p><p></p><p>As long as you can ensure that the data you present is elegantly composed and intriguing, at that point you ought to have the option to think of an intriguing subject. This will assist you with staying away from the examination paper composing Wiseessays that are so natural to compose. Along these lines, there is no motivation behind why an understudy can't do investigate papers on subjects that premium them.</p><p></p><p>In request to locate an intriguing point for your paper, the main thing you have to do is consider your objective. This will give you a superior thought of what you need to expound on. You ought to likewise have the option to decide the central matters of your exploration pape r Wiseessays.</p><p></p><p>Once you have these realities close by, you can start to accumulate data for your examination paper. The most ideal approach to do this is to visit the web and discover data about the theme. Nonetheless, recall that when you are searching for data, ensure that it is identified with the subject you chose.</p><p></p><p>Once you have decided the central matters of your examination paper, you ought to likewise realize how to arrange your exposition. One path for you to arrange your exploration paper composing Wiseessays is to utilize a pre-planned organization. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you might want to go to a further developed organization, at that point you might need to compose your own.</p><p></p><p>After you have finished the examination paper composing Wiseessays, you will at that point need to arrange them and put them in an envelope. A few people compose the explo ration paper composing Wiseessays toward the finish of the term or semester, while others think that its simpler to keep in touch with them toward the start of the term or semester. You ought to choose what is generally helpful for you.</p><p></p><p>If you find that sorting out the papers is excessively troublesome, at that point you might need to compose the exploration paper composing Wiseessays as quickly as time permits. This will assist you with eliminating the measure of time it takes to get your exploration paper composing wrapped up. All things considered, it is significantly simpler to compose your examination paper composing Wiseessays toward the start of the term or semester instead of toward the finish of the term or semester.</p>

Essay Topics For 20th Century Europe

<h1>Essay Topics For twentieth Century Europe</h1><p>Are you searching for exposition themes for twentieth century Europe? The data contained in this paper might be valuable for you. There are many exposition points accessible for any individual who might want to compose a paper on any subject.</p><p></p><p>History and topography article themes are exceptionally simple to drop by. Just as the many composed sources that you can discover about history, there are some specific sites that will list your paper point and answer any inquiries you may have. Geology is a subject that I realize a great many people truly appreciate and you can utilize it to get an entire scope of various papers expounded on. Set aside the effort to do some investigation into the historical backdrop of the mainland of Europe.</p><p></p><p>There are countless words accessible to you for a paper on this landmass, so you ought to have the option to c over a wide scope of themes without any problem. You can consolidate your European data with whatever other data that you have accessible about Europe. Attempt to take the perspective on an individual who has gone around Europe, and compose a paper on how their experience molded their perspectives on European history. With this kind of paper, you ought to have the option to write in a succinct manner, yet at the same time express your perspectives in a fascinating way.</p><p></p><p>What nation is this mainland? This is the inquiry that most understudies will pose. There are a wide range of nations on this landmass and you ought to have the option to discover all the data you requirement for every nation in a simple to utilize database.</p><p></p><p>With the size of Europe, it very well may be hard to track down enough realities about a nation for an article on this scale for an extensive stretch of time. On the off chance that you need to get more data on a specific nation, you should have a go at looking in Google. Google will have a great deal of data accessible on the entirety of the nations in Europe.</p><p></p><p>Why is the earth for such a significant point? Numerous individuals who need to compose expositions on European history will utilize ecological themes to come to their meaningful conclusions. Set aside the effort to discover what is expounded on Europe's natural effect and you ought to have the option to work out an extraordinary article point to cover the subject in an intriguing way.</p><p></p><p>Every understudy has their own story to advise and it is critical to pick a subject that will permit them to tell it. All understudies are extraordinary and in the event that you can discover an understudy with a comparable foundation to your own, at that point it will offer you the chance to compose an exposition that will be acknowledged by most understudi es. On the off chance that you can't discover an understudy who shares your experience, at that point it may be an ideal opportunity to proceed onward to something else.</p><p></p><p>It is likewise essential to pick a theme that will allow you to exhibit your insight and long haul targets. For instance, in the event that you need to show that you know a great deal about the historical backdrop of the twentieth century Europe, at that point you should utilize a similar data that most understudies use when composing essays.</p>

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Tips For Research Paper Topics With Animals

<h1>Tips For Research Paper Topics With Animals</h1><p>How to do inquire about paper points with creatures is an incredible inquiry. You need to investigate the entirety of the thoughts that you can consider, however one of the most significant variables that ought to be remembered for your exploration paper themes is creature care. Creature care is significant in light of the fact that it is a piece of creature conduct, so on the off chance that you have a thought for an examination paper point with creatures, you have to talk about creature care.</p><p></p><p>Animal care is the way toward thinking about a creature. It includes dealing with them like a kid and showing them how to act. A few creatures like pooches, felines, and hamsters are amazingly acceptable with their proprietors' states of mind, while others like ponies, dairy cattle, and pigs may be increasingly difficult. So the most significant thing when doing research paper points w ith creatures is to show the creature some great manners.</p><p></p><p>Some of the best thoughts for look into paper themes with creatures are the ones that discussion about creature care. Instructions to deal with a pony or a pig, how to prep them, how to deal with them around different creatures. There are creature care addresses that you can ask yourself and some creature care inquiries that you ought to ask while investigating on creature care themes. Discover increasingly about them by perusing the connections below.</p><p></p><p>For the individuals who don't have the foggiest idea how to ask creature care inquiries, here are a few hints. Right off the bat, record or even make an inquiry or two your own encounters with the particular creature, creature breed, or species that you are keen on. Second, discover increasingly about creatures and the things that they need from creature care specialists or veterinarians, so you will know the response to the inquiry that you have to know.</p><p></p><p>The second most significant interesting point when doing research paper themes with creatures is to incorporate pet wellbeing conditions. You can remember pet ailments and illnesses for your examination paper theme on the off chance that you need to. Youmight likewise need to incorporate the birth complexities of little dogs or cats on the off chance that you need to give more data on what these creatures are experiencing, thus that you will realize that your examination paper points with creatures has a decent side.</p><p></p><p>It is additionally essential to find out about what research paper themes with creatures are. You ought to consider the size of the creature that you are managing and to what extent they have been living in nature. They may be tamed, so it is critical to realize what the distinctions are between the two kinds of creatures. You ought to likewise t hink about their eating routine, the size of their space, the hour of day that they are thought about, and any exceptional contemplations that they may have.</p><p></p><p>If you are a teacher, you should remember creature wellbeing data for your examination paper points with creatures. For instance, you may incorporate the distinction between the side effects of sensitivities and how to differentiate an unfavorably susceptible creature from an influenced creature. You may likewise need to incorporate a reality about the invulnerable framework, on the grounds that various creatures can have various degrees of insusceptibility or weakness.</p><p></p><p>By including data about the best possible consideration of your creatures in your examination paper points with creatures, you will give more data to your crowd. You will have the option to show them the consideration of the creatures, how to deal with them, and how to deal with them durin g sickness or infection. This is significant, particularly on the off chance that you need to win a higher evaluation from your understudies or in the event that you need to dazzle your teacher, since thinking about the right consideration of the creatures can assist you with accomplishing all of this.</p>

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Samples of College Admission Essay Cover Up

<h1> The Samples of College Admission Essay Cover Up </h1> <h2>The Number One Question You Must Ask for Samples of College Admission Essay </h2> <p>Regardless of what school you need to select at, you have to make an affirmation article. On the off chance that you will compose school confirmation exposition completely all alone, at that point don't ignore the proper structure of the paper. A confirmation paper is a kind of article that incorporates understudy's individual explanations and her or his vision of an exact school. Our confirmation paper models can demonstrate that we're here so as to give essentially the perfect help to guarantee you which you present an application exposition that you might be positive about. </p> <p>Two new exposition alternatives are included, and some of the past inquiries are updated. Or then again you're ready to see 18 expositions all on a solitary page. Let EssayEdge assist you with creating an application exposition which gets took note. </p> <p>As a model, a why us paper may talk about how intriguing XYZ interdisciplinary task is and the manner in which it fits pleasantly with your senior undertaking. On the off chance that you are needing a very much made exposition, at that point you can rely upon us to convey. Stephen's article is very powerful. Before you initiate composing your school article, you should see the exposition examplesA that we've recorded for you, so you may have more thought on what things to place in the school paper you will make. </p> <h2>The Argument About Samples of College Admission Essay </h2> <p>Application composing isn't the end of the world and you'll have the option to get ready for it. It isn't just about the point an understudy decides to compose on, however rather, how they expound on doing it. Universities distribute parts and a lot of unmistakable sorts of things, any of which is useful for explore. They care about the quantities of acknowledgments profou ndly, so it might assist with knowing you're a slam dunk. </p> <h2> Getting the Best Samples of College Admission Essay </h2> <p>Understanding my previous duties with regards to hypothesis and figure out how to transform new speculations into training is a procedure I can't stand by to begin. Site gives different choice of task and article thinking of you can choose it as per your financial plan The task will be gotten in keep up condition with the goal that you don't be worried about anything. Besides, the exposition must fuse the candidate's contribution in exercises that are identified with the degree which the individual in question needs to seek after. Despite the fact that composing a triumphant school study paper may resemble a scary errand, it very some groundwork for alert, innovation, and a lot of persistence. </p> <p>Apart from the circumstances that you ought to consistently endure at the top of the priority list, also, there are a few things which you shouldn't do while making the substance of your school article. It may be troublesome now and then, particularly at whatever point you are experiencing issues discovering motivation to compose. In the 21st century, school interviews are lost on the most ideal route to the VCR, as such, they are regularly used. </p> <p>Along with scholastic broadness, there are a bigger scope of extra-curricular interests promptly accessible on the greater grounds. In case you're not following the chief focal points you'll never make unique affirmation paper. There are a lot of thoughts that can assist understudies with composing phenomenal papers. Another tip is to just make light of the horrible evaluations by your school confirmation article. </p> <p>The application message should be successful to place in the school. Moreover, there are test school application articles that can assist you with doing that. Very much done examples flexibly a training in group. More as often as possible than not, cutoff times for submitting applications are quite often short which makes numerous imminent candidates stress they will be not able to present their example paper for MBA application promptly. </p> <h2> New Questions About Samples of College Admission Essay</h2> <p>Every city has more than 1 school inside it. Obviously, a higher education in the present work advertise is pivotal. On the off chance that you'll incorporate subtleties that could legitimately hit the necessities of the school, at that point it is anything but difficult to get the approvalA that you must be acknowledged for enlistment. </p> <p>Just in light of the fact that you've just composed a school paper for a solitary college doesn't imply that it might likewise apply on your next applications. For example, an understudy may wish to expound on a particular hardship in life which the person has survived. Notwithstanding its developing social and ethnic assorted variety, State University is transforming into an ace at building up a specialty for every single understudy. </p> <p>It is critical to catch the enthusiasm of the confirmation guides regardless of how severe they may have all the earmarks of being. The school affirmations process is getting increasingly unpleasant and complex every year. On the off chance that you wish to make a school article which works, you need to give significance on the substance you will offer the confirmations official of your planned college with. The school affirmations paper is the ideal opportunity to feature the unmistakable segments of your tendency and developmental encounters that made you the individual you're today. </p>

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Frederick Douglass Narrative Essay Topic - How to Write About the Life and Career of Frederick Douglass

<h1>The Frederick Douglass Narrative Essay Topic - How to Write About the Life and Career of Frederick Douglass</h1><p>For all you history buffs out there, Frederick Douglass account article subjects are the ideal answer for your history composing needs. The Frederick Douglass account article point is a fabulous method to get your history discounting venture on the privilege foot.</p><p></p><p>Before we get into the conversation, allows first discussion about the sort of novel you should compose and what you should expound on. An account, a touch of an assessment of the life and the profession of Frederick Douglass is an extraordinary method to begin. You can either begin with the real memoir or on the off chance that you believe you have all the more available time, you can decide regardless an assessment of Frederick Douglass' life and career.</p><p></p><p>As I expressed, this is one of the simpler Frederick Douglass story paper subjects to look into and expound on. On the off chance that you need a brisk, direct abstract, take a gander at recorded archives and other distributed writing to get a general thought of what he was known for. At that point, set out to search for genuine works by him to develop a full account that you can use as an establishment for your story.</p><p></p><p>No question, Frederick Douglass was a powerful individual. We catch wind of his contempt of subjugation, however he likewise had a skill for sorting out gatherings of individuals who were mistreated. You can utilize this to grow your history considerably further and incorporate another subject or two into your story. Maybe you will need to concentrate on those from his old neighborhood and the individuals who helped him, either through fiscal commitments or volunteerism.</p><p></p><p>Other incredible Frederick Douglass account paper subjects include: work in the admin istration, his journey for social liberties, his association in the American Civil War, and his later work as an author. It is likewise conceivable to incorporate some other exercises you may have found out about, either from his own composition or different sources. A life story of Frederick Douglass would be the perfect technique to begin with, in light of the fact that there are such a large number of various parts of his life that can be expounded on, and on the grounds that the exploration included isn't excessively difficult.</p><p></p><p>If you do choose to investigate expounding on Frederick Douglass' life and profession with a progressively graphic voice, you should join a couple of things to make it understood to your perusers why they ought to be keen on the tales you are telling. Composing for the mass market, instead of those people who like to understand books or papers, won't be quite a bit of a challenge.</p><p></p><p>T here are a couple of essential strategies you can use to compose a Frederick Douglass account exposition theme that will work best for you. This is an incredible chance to realize what you can improve yourself in your recorded composing endeavors. Begin on your journey today and start writing.</p>

Using a Research Paper Outline to Create an Effective Research Paper

<h1>Using a Research Paper Outline to Create an Effective Research Paper</h1><p>When setting up your own exploration paper, it is critical to require some investment to make a legitimate example examine paper plot. An example explore paper blueprint will permit you to settle on numerous significant choices ahead of time of really composing your paper.</p><p></p><p>Your investigate paper framework will enable you to figure out what sort of research paper you ought to compose. For instance, on the off chance that you are composing a short report for a test, you may decide to utilize a long configuration. On the off chance that you are composing an increasingly broad research paper, you may decide to utilize a shorter format.</p><p></p><p>The test look into paper diagram will likewise assist you with finding the watchwords for your paper. Furthermore, the diagram will help you in making the general structure of your paper . It will likewise assist you with making a paper layout that is both enlightening and not very lengthy.</p><p></p><p>If you are looking into a theme that has a few potential answers, an exploration paper framework will assist you with finding the best answer. You would then be able to utilize this data in your paper. This permits you to pick the most significant answer. Utilizing this methodology will permit you to pick the most exact answer, subsequently guaranteeing that your exploration paper will be composed with accuracy.</p><p></p><p>A inquire about paper blueprint can likewise be utilized regarding space portion. For this situation, the diagram will assist you with deciding how much space you need so as to sufficiently look into the subject of your paper. This will be controlled by the length of your paper, how much data you need to give, and how much time you have accessible to inquire about your theme. On the off chance that you have these inquiries replied, at that point you will have a superior thought of what paper size you ought to create.</p><p></p><p>An layout can likewise assist you with deciding how much research you ought to do. It is essential to look into the point before you start composing your paper. Doing this will keep you from composing research that will end up being pointless. Doing this exploration from the get-go will permit you to decide the quantity of realities that you should include.</p><p></p><p>Another incredible advantage of an examination paper plot is that it gives you a rundown of inquiries that you should pose to yourself before you start composing your paper. The example look into paper plot is an incredible spot to begin. When you have the inquiries replied, you can keep on composing your paper. On the off chance that you neglect to ask yourself any of the inquiries you have set up, at that point you won't have the option to settle on powerful choices when you compose your paper.</p><p></p><p>Using an exploration paper diagram to decide the correct arrangement of your paper will assist you with evading a great deal of mix-ups. You will likewise have the option to utilize the data you have found to design your own paper effectively. Your examination paper layout will give you thoughts that you can use to figure out what research paper style you ought to use.</p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Write an Essay in History

How to Write an Essay in HistoryWriting a history essay is not always easy. You might want to get help from an essay writing pro so that you can write a comprehensive yet readable essay. The following tips should help you in writing a history essay sample propmts.Make sure that the content of your essay is not only grammatically correct but also written well. You must always make sure that the main topic of your essay is stated first and then build a background with details on the present condition of the country. Every detail must be well explained and your entire essay must be arranged in a well structured manner. After writing your essay, the reader will start guessing what topic will follow.The information given in your essay should be easy to understand for the reader. If you are giving such information in the wrong way, your readers will not take much interest in your essay. They will just walk away from the page. Make sure that your readers can get all the information from you r essay easily.History essay sample propmts must not contain unnecessary sentences and words. It must also be clear and concise. Give detailed information and important facts at least 100 words.Your thesis statement should be the last paragraph of your essay. After giving your thesis statement, you need to give two to three paragraphs of evidence to support your point. However, do not end your essay prematurely as it is a standard practice to put a short ending to your essay. You can then go through all the evidence again before you submit your paper.There are many online sites that offer free sample essays. However, if your college offers courses on topics about the history of a particular nation, you can visit these sites. Some have free samples, while others have limited availability.You can even write essays about another person. This can be a lot of fun, especially if your topic is his/her life. Of course, you need to do a research about him/her before you write about your topi c.History is filled with facts and figures that any student can relate to. However, they need to be interesting, logical and relevant in order to be of great potential. If you do all these well, then you can be successful in your career.

Job Hunting - How to Get Korean Essay Writing Lessons

Job Hunting - How to Get Korean Essay Writing LessonsThere are a lot of people who have started learning Korean in a desperate search for a job in Korea. Though Korean is not my first language, I would still like to try to learn the Korean way of thinking. Koreans are one of the most polite and friendliest people that you will meet. With so many opportunities for employment and the massive Korean population, the number of Korean applicants for entry-level jobs has increased greatly over the past few years.However, if you want to learn Korean essay writing, you will need to choose the right route. It is not enough to learn from a book or get your tutor to teach you. In fact, a lot of teachers would disagree with that, as they do not think you can learn Korean while in their classroom.Korean literature, the native language and traditional education to give you the best foundation to learn English. So, what should you be doing to make the best out of your time when you are stuck in the middle of a serious job hunt? The answer is that you should consider Korean essay writing for your job hunt, but know the risks that you may incur by applying to Korean companies.Many people are even convinced that it is easier to get a job with a company from Korea, than to land a job with an English speaking company. I am in complete agreement with them. My belief is that there are a lot of things that you cannot do in a foreign country such as eat, sleep and wash. However, there are also some things that you can do in a foreign country such as going to the grocery store, drink coffee and watch television. That is why it makes sense to take advantage of this extra freedom that you have in a foreign country.Once you have a perfect resume, resume writing is easy. This is the most important skill that you can pick up when you are trying to land that job. Your resume is not only there to inform employers what you have done for them but to sell yourself to them. For that you need to ha ve a great resume and a strong mindset.It is a good idea to pick up a Korean essay writing lesson plan and study Korean for about six months. That way you will learn not only how to write an excellent resume but also the method of how to create a good one. From that moment on, you will automatically understand the concept of building and developing a strong resume. If you fail to develop a good resume in that time, it will definitely be useless to your job hunting prospects.It is no wonder that Korean companies are so much in demand. Try to get yourself ready for your next opportunity in order to win it.

Why Everybody Is Talking About Strange Argumentative Essay Topics...The Simple Truth Revealed

Why Everybody Is Talking About Strange Argumentative Essay Topics...The Simple Truth Revealed The Strange Argumentative Essay Topics Stories The cost of an essay depends upon the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. A very good persuasive argument will use the latest data and data from verified sources. It is a good idea to look for the one which has a fantastic reputation and offers high-quality papers at very affordable rates. An outline is an excellent tool to remember what you're planning to write about and to avert a fear of getting started. The Unexposed Secret of Strange Argumentative Essay Topics All you must have is a tiny curiosity besides that everything will end up an intriguing game of knowledge. The second point, that making connections is a kind of thinking which can be taught, cannot be proven until the very first point has been sufficiently supported. The first thing you're likely to have to do is to pick a topic that has more than one clear side. Wi thout a fantastic evidence, nobody is likely to believe my words. Argumentative essays utilize logic, facts, and reasoning to specify the victor. Whatever the simple truth is, make sure the essay is appealing and generate interest among the readers to get involved in the debate. Before concluding the essay, it is vital to summarise with a strong emphasis on the subject. Whether it's an argumentative or expository essay which you're writing, it is essential to develop a clear thesis statement and an obvious sound reasoning. As you can include your conclusion in your counter-argument, it's far better to divide them into two unique paragraphs. Anyway, the shortage of appropriate grammar makes the listeners get rid of respect to the speaker. The Tried and True Method for Strange Argumentative Essay Topics in Step by Step Detail One of the main hiccups in choosing funny argumentative essay topics is how comedy is quite a touchy field, and various folks have various opinions of what comedy is about. An excellent method to tell if your topics is an argument topic is to see whether you can debate your topic employing the info you find. Choose from popular topics that folks are passionate about. When picking a topic make sure you like it, as you will have to devote days or even weeks on it, so it's important to stay motivated regarding the matter you discuss. The essay should have a little structure, unlike a normal essay. Your essay should consist of recent statistics and data from reliable sources. You might also see descriptive essay. Argumentative essays have to be well-organized. You are a genuine expert in regards to persuasive essay topics. There are a few specific elements that are necessary in an argumentative essay. To compose a superb argumentative essay, there are four big pieces of the essay you're likely to have to know about. If you're new to writing argumentative essays, there are a number of crucial factors which you can learn that could help you compose a superior argumentative essay. Argumentative essay format is dependent on your professor's requirements, because there isn't any typical pattern for each essay. Remember that the period of your essay is based on the assignment offered to you. An argumentative essay presents either side of a problem. Usually, it has the same outline as the majority of traditional papers. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Strange Argumentative Essay Topics Nevertheless, before you begin devising your arguments, you want to take into account several facets. Argumentative arguments are simply arguments tha t are written back on paper. An argumentative essay is a kind of essay that presents arguments about each side of a problem. It is a type of thesis or composition where you have to present your view and attempt to convince others that your facts and arguments are correct. Based on your argument, the range of body paragraphs which you have will vary. Attempt to choose the best devices to back up your argument that you're able to. The thing you ought to do so as to structure an argumentative essay is to set a claim that's debatable. It's not sufficient to simply disagree with a different point of view or opinion. Essay writing per se is no simple job to do. It is crucial to check reviews about essay writing services in order to be confident they can deliver your task before the deadline. Writing has existed for quite a lengthy moment. It isn't a must, but should you care about your topic, it's going to be resembled in your writing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Microsoft Case Study Essay - 2255 Words

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MICROSOFT: COMPETING ON TALENT CASE STUDY 5/09/07 Microsoft: Competing on Talent CASE STUDY OVERVIEW Microsoft has had a long standing practice of aggressively pursuing and hiring the brightest engineers in the software field. Yet by 1999 Microsoft had matured and many of its talent employees were leaving the company as documented in a Wall Street Journal article â€Å"As Microsoft Matures, Some Top Talent Chooses to Go Off Line†. The article reported that many employees were tired of grueling deadlines, frustrated by the bureaucracy, and lured away by high-tech start-ups. Newly appointed president and COO recognized that Microsoft had to change or adapt some of the human resource practices†¦show more content†¦BILL GATES PHILOSOPHY Bill Gates has long believed that it is important to hire extremely intelligent and driven personnel rather than experienced individuals. I do not agree with his belief that Microsofts ability to attract, motivate and retain superior people is its core source of competitive advantage. While I do believe these traits are important and a valuable asset, it is not the reason for his company’s competitive advantage. It is their marketing and positioning of their products that sets Microsoft apart. In the early 1980’s when his company was just starting up, they defeated a few less committed competitors to develop an operating system for IBM and their newly introduced personal computer. This operating system victory has been the core of Microsoft’s continual success as they correctly positioned their products to create a monopoly in the computing industry. And in 1999 a judge ruled just that, Microsoft was found guilty of restricting competition. There are many companies with exceptional minds, but if they don’t create a product that the public likes and has access to it will all be for not. This is why I feel that there are other factors to Microsoft’s success in addition to its intelligent workforce. Mr. Gates also believes in an â€Å"n minus one† philosophy, wher e they would actually staff projects with fewer employeesShow MoreRelatedCase Study of the Microsoft Monopoly599 Words   |  2 PagesCase Study of the Microsoft Monopoly Introduction Microsoft has a long history of engaging in monopolistic behavior, from the initial efforts to protect their operating system business to the forced bundling of key software components including Internet Explorer (Meese, 1999). The goals of this analysis include a critical evaluation of why Microsoft has been investigated for antitrust violations, an assessment of how they are trying to gain monopolistic strength in the computer software industryRead MoreThe Microsoft Vega Case Study1348 Words   |  6 PagesThis course teaches us that when an organization has made an investment in an asset, and the asset has been determined valuable by the organization, it is less likely to dismiss it. In the Microsoft Vega Case Study, we are faced with the fact that Matt MacLellan is now dissatisfied with his project manager role. With wanting to shift his role to becoming a developer despite that he has never written code professionally, Kaplan is now faced with the decision of whether to suppor t his career shiftRead MoreEssay on Microsoft Case Study943 Words   |  4 Pages1. INTRODUCTION Microsoft founded in 1975 by Bill Gates. It is the largest information technology (IT) company. For the year 2005, its revenue was US$39,788 million and net income after taxes US$12,254. Nevertheless, since the early 2000s, a string of bad news had seriously undermined the future growth of Microsoft. Personal Computer (PC) operating system and basic office are the near-monopoly software in the category. Purchase of QDOS (quick and dirty operating system) from Seattle programmerRead MoreMicrosoft Corporation Case Study1025 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract Microsoft Corporation is a firm that has a global presence. It has created products that are used throughout the world, including Windows and Office suite that provide a rich framework for businesses across the world. Nonetheless, stiff competition from new entrants and existing rivals has put the organization at a disadvantage as it continues to lose its grip on the market. A recent corporate restructuring saved the company massive resources, but its change management process remained questionableRead MoreMicrosoft Monopoly Case Study703 Words   |  3 PagesMicrosoft Monopoly Case Do old monopoly laws still pertain to life in a modern context? Recently, innovative companies have been hassled by the American government because of their potential for holding a monopoly over the ever-evolving computer systems and processing industries. Although Microsoft may have been in an unfair position, therefore negatively impacting the market as a whole, not all monopolies are bad, as examples of federal agencies clearly show. In 1998, Microsoft was hit with aRead MoreEssay about Microsoft Case Study1916 Words   |  8 Pagesplacing a â€Å"PC running Microsoft software on every desk and in every home† drove their overall strategy early on. Depending on the business segment within Microsoft, one would see in place very different business models as the strategy for each line of business could vary. In the operating system (OS) segment, Microsoft initially brought in an existing product and modified this (MS-DOS) to work with the Intel microprocessor, which were the â€Å"brains† of the IBM PC. Microsoft partnered with IBM toRead MoreCase Study Economics- Microsoft and Monopoly808 Words   |  4 PagesMicrosoft and Monopoly Case Study of Strategies used by Microsoft to leverage its monopoly position in operating systems in Internet Browser market Introduction: Microsoft has monopoly in PC operating systems, Windows operating systems which are used` in more than 80% of Intel based PC’s. This market has high technological barriers. Threat to Microsoft is not from new operating systems but from alternate products such as browsers, which are new softwares that can be used with multiple operatingRead MoreCase Study : Nokia Microsoft Alliance1417 Words   |  6 PagesCase Study: The Nokia-Microsoft Alliance in the Global Smartphone Industry The Nokia-Microsoft Alliance appears to be a well-calculated alliance of two major merchandising organizations that are both at the top of their respective business industries. A few of the major points with this merger are the organizations are established, they are both pushing and looking toward the future and subject matter experts are at the heart of each organization. There are always lessons learned when organizationsRead MoreMicrosoft/Intuit Case Study Essay1430 Words   |  6 PagesMicrosoft/Intuit Case Study Team 7 Garric Zhang Ling Liao Eric Wang 1. What factors have contributed to Microsoft’s large cash hoard?   | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | Cash and Marketable Securities | 18.9 | 102.7 | 132.5 | 183.2 | 300.8 | Stockholders Equity | 54.5 | 139.3 | 239.1 | 375.5 | 561.7 | Net Profit | 24.1 | 39.3 | 71.8 | 123.9 | 170.5 | ROE | 44.22% | 28.21% | 30.03% | 33.00% | 30.35% | New Cash and Marketable Securities | 2.8 | 4.1 | 9.3 | 18.6 | 25Read MoreCase Study - Playing Monopoly Microsoft1584 Words   |  7 PagesMicrosoft’s journey towards Monopoly Summary The case evolves around the unethical monopolistic actions taken by Microsoft to achieve monopoly. Some major facts in the case are given below – †¢ In 1980 IBM representative met bill gates for Operating System †¢ Bill Gates bought Operating System from a friend in $60,000 Microsoft licensed MS-DOS to IBM with condition that it could license it to others too †¢1981 IBM started mass production of and MS-DOS became standard Operating System for Personal

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Power Of Finance Accounting Harmonization -

Question: Discuss about the Power Of Finance Accounting Harmonization. Answer: Analysis over financial reports of a company is a financial analysis process which is done by the financial analyst, chief financial officers, investors and other stakeholders of the company to evaluate the financial performance of the company. Financial reports of an organization include income statement, cash flow analysis and balance sheet. This method assists the organization to make better decision about the profit, performance and the position of the company (Warren, Reeve Duchac, 2011). Further, the analysis over the financial reports of the company is usually done by the financial analyst to evaluate the changes into the profits, performance and the position of the company. For understanding the financial analysis process in a better way, financial statements of Westpac Banking Corporation Australia has been evaluated. Company overview: Westpac Banking Corporation is normally known as Westpac. It is an Australian bank which offers financial services to its clients. Headquarter of the company is in Westpac place, Sydney. This bank is one of top 5 largest banks in Australia. Around 13.1 million people are entertained by this bank and it has the largest branch network in Australia. The total revenue of the company is continuously increasing and expressing about a better financial position of the company (Turner Thayer, 2001). Further, this bank mainly offers the services related to finance insurance, corporate banking, consumer banking, investment management, investment banking, credit cards, global wealth management and mortgages. Financial statements of the company: Financial statements of an organization include income statement, cash flow analysis and balance sheet. Financial statement analysis is a process which evaluates about the financial position of an organization. For this reports, financial statements of Westpac Banking Corporation has been analyzed. Through the evaluation over the financial statement of the company, it has been analyzed that the various changes have taken place into the performance of the company in last 3 years (Dixon and Monk, 2009). The income statement of the company expresses that the few negative changes have taken place into the profits of the company in 2016 in context with 2015. Further, the balance sheet and cash flow statement of the company expresses that the company is performing well in the industry. Ratio analysis: For analyzing the financial statements in a better way, ratio analysis study has been done. Ratio analysis is one of the method of financial analysis which express about the various financial positions and the performance of an organization. Various ratios such as profitability ratios, efficiency ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios etc have been calculated to reach over a conclusion. Profitability ratios of the company explain that the profit position of the company is quite good (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 2009). Net profit margin of the company is 23.37%, 24.78% and 23.44% in 2016, 2015 and 2014 respectively. It expresses that the profit margin has been reduced in 2016 but still, it is better. Further, the return on equity has also been evaluated and it has been found that the net profit of the company has been reduced in context of equity in 2016. Further, liquidity ratios have been calculated and the current ratio and quick ratios of the company has been measured for last 3 years. Current ratios and quick ratios of the company explain that the bank is required to enhance the level of the current assets in comparison with current liability to manage the short term debt obligation position. The position and the performance of the company in terms of managing the current assets and liabilities are not at all good (Hillier, Grinblatt Titman, 2011). Further, the solvency and efficiency position of the company has also been analyzed to evaluate the performance of the company. Through the calculations, it has been evaluated that the capital structure position of the company is not competitive (Sadler, 2003). This company is required to reduce the level of the debt in terms of equity to make optimal capital structure (Gapenski, 2008). Further, the efficiency ratios of the company expresses that the company is required to reduce the level of the payment collection period so that the working capital of the company could be managed in a better way and at the same time, the cost of the company could also be controlled. Horizontal analysis: Further, for analyzing the financial statements of the company, horizontal analysis has been done. Horizontal analysis explains about the changes in the financial reports of an organization in context with the last year financial reports. Horizontal analysis is one of the methods of financial analysis which express about the various changes into the financial position of an organization (Stratton, SAS Institute Inc., 2009). Further, it also explains that the changes are in the favour of the company or not. It is helpful for the company to analyze with competitive companies as well. The study of horizontal analysis over income statement of the company depicts that the total income of the company has been reduced by 1.48% from 2015 in 2016. Further, it depicts that the net income of the company has been better from last year by 6.13%. It explains that the position of the company is getting better year by year. More, through the study, it has also been found that the net profit of the company has been lower by 7.17% in 2016. Further, it has also been added through the evaluation part that the company is required to look over the financial performance again and make few changes to enhance the performance (Snyder Davenport, 2013). Further, the study of horizontal analysis over balance sheet of the company depicts that the total assets of the company has been enhanced by 3.33% from 2015 in 2016. Further, it depicts that the total liabilities of the company has been enhanced from last year by 2.90%. It explains that the position of the company is getting better year by year. More, through the study, it has also been found that the total equity of the company has been enhanced by 9.46% in 2016 (Marinovic, 2013). Further, it has also been added through the evaluation part that the company is required to look over the financial performance again and make few changes to enhance the performance. Vertical analysis: Further, for analyzing the financial statements of the company, vertical analysis has been done. Vertical analysis explains about the changes in the financial reports of an organization in context with the basic figures such as total income, total assets and total equity and liabilities of the company. Vertical analysis is one of the methods of financial analysis which express about the various changes into the financial position of an organization (Larcker, Richardson Tuna, 2007). Further, it also explains that the changes are in the favour of the company or not. It is helpful for the company to analyze with competitive companies as well. The study of vertical analysis over income statement of the company depicts that the loans and leases are the main operations of the company through which income has been generated by the company. Further, it depicts that the total expenses level of the company has been higher from last year in current year. It explains that the position of the company is getting bad and company is required to make few changes for its betterment. More, through the study, it has also been found that the net profit of the company has been lower by few % from 2015 in 2016 (Kinney Rajborn, 2010). Further, it has also been added through the evaluation part that the company is required to look over the financial performance again and make few changes to enhance the performance. Further, the study of vertical analysis over balance sheet of the company depicts that the loans are the main assets of the company which has huge part of assets of the company. Further, it depicts that the total liabilities of the company is almost similar with the total liabilities of 2015. It explains that the position of the company is almost similar in current year in comparison of last 2 years. More, through the study, it has also been found that the total equity of the company is also similar in 2016, 2015 and 2014 (Jiashu, 2009). Further, it has also been added through the evaluation part that the company is required to look over the financial performance again and make few changes to enhance the performance. Cash conversion cycle: Cash conversion cycle explains about the total cash position of the company. Through the analysis over cash conversion cycle of the company, it has been analyzed that the company is suggested to reduce the days of receivable collection days and the patent days are quite competitive of the company. It would help the company to carry the business with lower working capital (Kieso, Weygandt Warfield, 2010). Competitors analysis: Further, the financial performance of Westpac Banking Corporation has been analyzed in context with the financial performance of its competitive company, national bank of Australia. Through the study over the national bank of Australia, it has been found that the performance of Westpac Banking Corporation is quite better than the performance of National bank of Australia. National bank of Australias profit position is quite lower than the Westpac Banking Corporation (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 2015). Further, it has also been found that the growth rate of Westpac Banking Corporation is quite higher. Thus, through this analysis, it has been found that this company is suggested to look over few positive policies of National Bank of Australia to manage the performance and the position of the company. Further, it has also been found that the Westpac Banking Corporation is performing way better than the performance of national bank of Australia. Conclusion: To conclude, this company is performing very well in the market. The financial analysis of the company explains that the financial performance of the company is quite better in last years. The changes have been evaluated into the financial statements of the company and it has been found that the position of the company is quite better. Though, the ratio analysis expresses that the company is required to make few changes into its capital structure to make an optimal capitals structure. Further, it has also been found that the current assets must be enhanced by the company to maintain the liquidity position and lastly, the efficiency position of the company is better. Thus the financial performance 0of the company is way better References: Dixon, A.D. and Monk, A.H., (2009). The power of finance: accounting harmonization's effect on pension provision.Journal of Economic Geography,9(5), pp.619-639. Gapenski, L.C., (2008).Healthcare finance: an introduction to accounting and financial management. Health Administration Press. Hillier, D., Grinblatt, M. and Titman, S., (2011).Financial markets and corporate strategy. McGraw Hill. Jiashu, G., (2009). Study on Fair Value Accountingon the essential characteristics of financial accounting [J].Accounting Research,5, p.003. Kieso, D. E., Weygandt, J. J., Warfield, T. D. (2010).Intermediate accounting: IFRS edition(Vol. 2). John Wiley Sons. Kinney M. Rajborn C. (2010). Cost Accounting: Foundation and Evolution. Cengage Learning. Larcker, D.F., Richardson, S.A. Tuna, I., (2007). Corporate governance, accounting outcomes, and organizational performance. The Accounting Review, 82(4), pp.963-1008. Marinovic, I. (2013). Internal control system, earnings quality, and the dynamics of financial reporting.The RAND Journal of Economics,44(1), 145-167. Sadler P. (2003). Strategic Management. Kogan Page Ltd. Snyder, H. Davenport, E., (2013). What does it really cost? Allocating indirect costs.Asian Libraries. Stratton, A.J., SAS Institute Inc., (2009).Systems and methods for costing reciprocal relationships. U.S. Patent 7,634,431. Turner J. Thayer J. (2001). Introduction to Analysis of Variance: Design, analysis Interpretation. SAGE. Warren C., Reeve J. Duchac J. (2011). Financial and Managerail Accounting. Cengage Learning. Weygandt J., Kimmel P., Kieso D. (2009). Managerial Accounting:Tools for business decision making. John Wiley sons. Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel, P. D., Kieso, D. E. (2015).Financial Managerial Accounting. John Wiley Sons.